Thursday, June 23, 2016

 Twittered Twitters

A backdrop before I share this Twitter between my daughter and her Appa.

Every week has blues. I would say, Monday's Blues followed by Tuesday's Sunshine, and Wednesday's Update and Friday's trail of events.

My little darling, Srujana, is a great fan of Shahrukh Khan. A few hours perhaps the excitement was seen in both father and daughter. Friday coming - No office, no traffic jam for two waking early, no hustle bustle, and a peaceful sleep.

As I was combing Srujana's hair, Ganesh asked Srujana, "Srujana, do you want to meet Salman Khan? "How can I meet Shahrukh Khan if I see Salman Khan ? The reasoning was simple and straight, if I have to see Shahrukh Khan then I have to see him and not others.

It was then Ganesh immediately retorted saying, "Srujana, by Salman Khan I meant our Pureit executive Salman Khan".

Srujana still not taken aback was silent.

Ganesh who was still carrying the same air of frivolousness, continued his remark - "Srujana I still know Shahrukh Khan, do you want to meet him ? I can take you there".

Srujana's immediate sharp retort was "I don't want to meet Salman Khan the plumber or Shahrukh Khan the electrician. I just want to meet my Shahrukh Khan, ashte ( that's all).

Children these days seamlessly connected with their thoughts, measured reasoning, which we elders fail to imbibe it many a times.

The great Leo Tolstoy was right enough to say, "Little Girls Wiser Than Men"..